How to Change Your Mind (Ep. 379 Rebroadcast)

If you aren’t listening to a certain style of music by the time you’re in your late 20’s, there’s a 95 percent chance you’re never going to. (Photo: Magni/Pexels) There are a lot of barriers…

Honey, I Grew the Economy (Ep. 399)

(Photo: Create Digital Media) Innovation experts have long overlooked where a lot of innovation actually happens. The personal computer, the mountain bike, the artificial pancreas — none of these came from some big R&D lab,…

How to Hate Taxes a Little Bit Less…

(Photo: McNew/Getty) Every year, Americans short the I.R.S. nearly half a trillion dollars. Most ideas to increase compliance are more stick than carrot — scary letters, audits, and penalties. But what if we gave taxpayers…

Why Is This Man Running for President? (Ep.…

(Photo: Miller/Getty) A year ago, nobody was taking Andrew Yang very seriously. Now he is America’s favorite entrepre-nerd, with a candidacy that keeps gaining momentum. This episode includes our Jan. 2019 conversation with the leader…

How Many Prince Charleses Can There Be in…

(Photo: O’Connor/Getty) In a special holiday episode, Stephen Dubner and Angela Duckworth take turns asking each other questions about charisma, wealth vs. intellect, and (of course) grit. Listen and subscribe to our podcast at Apple…

The Zero-Minute Workout (Ep. 383 Rebroadcast)

(Photo: Flickr) There is strong evidence that exercise is wildly beneficial. There is even stronger evidence that most people hate to exercise. So if a pill could mimic the effects of working out, why wouldn’t…

5 Psychology Terms You’re Probably Misusing (Ep. 334…

(Photo: Harris A. Ewing/Wikimedia Commons) We all like to throw around terms that describe human behavior — “bystander apathy” and “steep learning curve” and “hard-wired.” Most of the time, they don’t actually mean what we…