The Beer & Booze Company Behind Corona, Svedka…

Welcome to the Consumerist Archives Thanks for visiting As of October 2017, Consumerist is no longer producing new content, but feel free to browse through our archives. Here you can find 12 years worth…

Where Does The Cheese Belong In A Cheeseburger?

Welcome to the Consumerist Archives Thanks for visiting As of October 2017, Consumerist is no longer producing new content, but feel free to browse through our archives. Here you can find 12 years worth…

United Plane Makes Emergency Landing Due To Smoke…

Welcome to the Consumerist Archives Thanks for visiting As of October 2017, Consumerist is no longer producing new content, but feel free to browse through our archives. Here you can find 12 years worth…

An important message from Consumer Reports

Welcome to the Consumerist Archives Thanks for visiting As of October 2017, Consumerist is no longer producing new content, but feel free to browse through our archives. Here you can find 12 years worth…

10 things you need to know before the…

Leah Millis/Reuters Here is what you need to know. President Donald Trump issues a lengthy defense of Saudi Arabia over the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a statement Tuesday, Trump signaled he…