Stopping the Revolving Door in DC

Details Written by Dawn Niederhauser Published: 08 August 2018 You may be familiar with CEPR’s economic research. But did you know that there is a program at CEPR that works to ensure that political appointees…

Manufacturing Employment Falls in August

Details Written by Dean Baker Published: 07 September 2018 After increasing for 12 consecutive months, manufacturing employment fell by 3,000 in August. The decline was all in manufacturing of durables, which lost 4,000 jobs. Employment…

Core Inflation Slows to 0.1 Percent in August

Details Written by Dean Baker Published: 13 September 2018 The core inflation rate slowed to 0.1 percent in August, its lowest rate since April. This brought the year-over-year inflation rate in the core index to…

No Real Gains in Living Standards for Young…

Details Written by Shawn Fremstad Published: 12 September 2018 Today’s report from Census on income, poverty, and health insurance in 2017 holds little good news for young people. Overall median household income increased modestly (1.8…