Also: is it wrong to feel inured to the pandemic?
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Relevant Research & References
Here’s where you can learn more about the people and ideas in this episode:
- “Beyond Self-Control: Mechanisms of Hedonic Goal Pursuit and Its Relevance for Well-Being,” by Katharina Bernecker and Daniela Becker (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2020).
- “Are you experiencing compassion fatigue?” by Rebecca A. Clay (American Psychological Association, 2020).
- “Physical Activity Helps Prevent a Heart Attack and Stroke,” by Healthwise Staff (University of Michigan, 2019).
- “The Benefits of Delaying Gratification,” by Ilene Strauss Cohen (Psychology Today, 2017).
- “Life Orientation Test- Revised (LOT-R) Versus Academic Score in Various First Year Health Professional Students,” by Puja Dulloo (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2016).
- “Very Happy People,” by Ed Diener and Martin E.P. Seligman (Psychological Science, 2002).
- “Bad is Stronger than Good,” by Roy F. Baumeister, Ellen Bratslavsky, Catrin Finkenauer, and Kathleen D. Vohs (Review of General Psychology, 2001).
- “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk,” by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (Econometrica, 1979).
- “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person,” by Harry G. Frankfurt (The Journal of Philosophy, 1971).